Sunday, May 10, 2009

Animals of the Danube Delta

Today I found this short article about the animals in the Danube Delta. Even if the descriptions are very short, and sometimes the names might be confusing for a Romanian (like The Egret - which one ?), the pictures are nice and they correspond to each animal described. Rather than a detailed description is written a curiosity about each animal. I'll try to add some knowledge about each one.

1) Dobrudja Tortoise. Is a vegetarian, but in harsh conditions it can eat soil rich in nutritive minerals. You can also here a see a picture of the Dobrudja Tortoise

2) The Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna). they build nests underground, or in burrows left by foxes or badgers.

3) Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) - Romania shelters the biggest number of pigmy cormorants in Europe. It is protected by low and you can meet it in the Danube Delta, mainly in the maritime area.

4) The otter - lives in the water and on the ground, in burrows with double entries. Has feet with five toes, joined by a membrane.

5) Grasshopper with sawmill legs. Known for eating partner after having sex (Bad habit, huh ?)

6) Glossy Ibis - lives in colonies, in the middle of the delta. It leaves the delta in the autumn, migrating towards Africa of Mediterranean countries. They sit in trees and them excrement are so acid that practically burn the tree down until it dies.

7) Wild cat - resembles the house cat, but is bigger. It can reach up to 10 kg.

8) Small white egret. In the past, was hunted for it's beautiful feathers, used for the hats.

9) The spoonbill - a rare, big bird, reaching up to 80 cm. It's name came from the beck with a spoon-like form and it feeds with fish, frogs or insects' larvae.

10) The stoat (Mustela Erminea) - once per year, gives birth to 12 cubs.

11) The Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) - a rare, protected bird, nests in the arctic areas, coming to the Danube Delta in winter. Is one of the rearmost geese in the world, depending on the wetlands.

11) Sturgeons - The sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), Acipenser stellatus, Acipenser gueldenstaedti and Huso huso are part of the Sturgeons family.
They have a cartilaginous skeleton (the only bones being the maxillary) and very poor vision.

12) Meadow Viper - Although it's name might sound scary, it's bite is equivalent to one of a bee. It feeds with grasshoppers and, seldom, a small mouse.
It swallows the prey alive without first paralyzing it by venom.

13) White tailed eagle - is a prey bird, living in Danube Delta between March and October. Females hatch one or two eggs, once in two years. Read more about Haliaeetus Albicilla here.

14) The Yellow Jackal - Resembles the wolf and is an omnivorous, but prefers meat. Member of the family Canidae, eats insects, birds and mice and hunt especially during the night.

15) European Mink (Mustela lutreola) - Minks are carnivore mammals, living along the shoreline or riverbanks. Are very sensible to stress, a scaring could lead to spontaneous abortion.

16) The Pelican - Symbol of Danube Delta, the pelican is an water birds and is the biggest bird in Danube Delta (The one in the article's picture is the Dalmatian Pelican - Pelecanus Crispus).

17) The Black Winged Stils (Himantopus himantopus)- Easily recognizable by it's long, red or pink legs. Hunts small animals, hidden in the shores or among the rocks.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring in Danube Delta

This short movie presents the Danube Delta early in the spring. We can see the flooded forests, a traditional household, a fishery and some nice landscapes.