Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wild Horses in Letea

Letea forest is a striclty protected area, for it's unique aspect of rainforest. One of the things to see in the forest are the almost wild horses.
While the semi-wild horses are present allover the Danube Delta, lately they become subject of discussion due to the rising number.

I have seen them near Cardon, in an area that is to become protected area soon. I've been told that some of them recognize the initial owner, but there are now new generations that are really not used to man's presence at all.

The author of this movie explains that the horses eat tree's crust and this eventually leads to the death of the trees. Some estimate around 2500 horses, while other estimation indicate about 1000. This horses have the way of life of wild animals. Is very difficult to get close to them, because they can imediately feel you and once you get under a certain distance they run away scared.

Each herd is led by a pair that takes care of the rest of the group. The stallion has the biggest authority, being the one that signals the fact that they have to move (retire). It does this by a short neighing and by hitting the ground with the hoof. Sometimes, when they feel the group is in danger, the stallion runs in one direction, to attire the attackers , while the female runs in other direction together with the rest of the group.

The horses did adapt the tough winter in Danube Delta as well as the hot summers. In winter-time them hair grows three times faster than the domestic horses' one. They adapt also by better prelucrating the cellulose, so when the food is scarce they can resist with only thistles and dried plants. "Nowadays, the racing horses loose the resistance to diseases, to cold temperatures or the capacity of effort. In the future, this horses will become a real treasure, still conserving while the other horses will have lost. We don't have to regard them as baneful but as real treasures", declared Stefan Raileanu, from the National Institute of Research and Development of Danube Delta.

Here is the video, courtesy to Lucian Reniţă and Irina Stelea, who made this video and posted it on youtube:

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